… and WooCommerce, if it were a stand-alone CMS (and not a part of WordPress) would be the second fastest growing CMS in the world, each month, for the past three months.
WordPress – the Open Source flagship Content Management System continues to flourish.

It doesn’t seem a moment ago that WP accounted for 30% of the web (it was March 2018), but now, according to W3techs, WordPress powers 40%+ of the top 10 million websites (a pretty huge sample size).
WP has gained 10% of market share in under two years. That’s really mind-blowing growth. It’s grown by more than the total market share of the nearest “competitor” CMS.
WooCommerce is growing faster than the next best grower, which is Squarespace. Certainly faster than the fee-paying Shopify. Open Source FTW.
You can see that over 1,000 new WP websites made it into the top ten million in January 2021… 486 of them had WooCommerce too, making Woo itself the second fastest growing in it’s own right ( a trend which has repeated for several months).
Outstanding. Congrats to all of us who continue to use WordPress 🙂