How to add Structured Data in WordPress

My SEO colleagues shorthand “Structured Data” to “schema” but as a developer, the word schema has a meaning… they mean: structured data.

That’s the subject of this blog post:

How to add structured data to your WordPress website – with or without WooCommerce – in order to get some Rich Snippets happening in your Google search results.

Before we get onto How, let’s talk about Why for a little bit.

Why Add Structured Data

I’m going to make a bold statement here. It’s my website, I have authority, so I’m not going to add any links to prove what I am about to say.

As well as allowing you to represent (for example) ratings stars, stock status, and other information, in search results pages, adding rich data to your WordPress website will help it to rank better.

Why will your website rank better with Structured Data?

Because Structured Data specifically tells computers “what is in here?” by:

  • Defining the types of “things” present in the page;
  • thematically linking them together
  • Apportioning numeric values to (for example) prices, ratings received, etc
  • Allowing geographic location in a standardized format
  • Adding authority, by contextually linking ideas, people, concepts, businesses (well anything) together, authoritatively (establishing “entity”)
  • More reasons, many and various, but thematically similar to the above list. TL;DR = you’re telling the machine what is in the content.

Okay, so you know this is a good idea… how to do it?!

For WordPress – Get a Plugin (of course!)

Get yourself a free plugin from the repository – and also, in future, consider paying for the premium upgrade. Premium is where the higher end schema stuff is buried.

For the developers – or those with deeper pockets – consider hiring a developer to really put your Schema onto turbo-charge mode.

Which plugin do I recommend?

Rank Math. I’ve used and still maintain sites and stores running Yoast, but in my opinion, Rank Math is a little better for Schema out of the box, and also, I prefer the way it is extended for Schema purposes, particularly for WooCommerce.

You can extend the Schema without paying a single shiny penny or cent, too, which, as a Yorkshireman (stereotypically tight-fisted with money) I’m obviously also happy about.

Using Rank Math to Add Schema

  • Download the Rank Math plugin – or install directly from WordPress admin (search Rank Math under Add Plugins)
  • Once you’ve got the plugin setup – and there’s a lot to look at – then for a blog post or a product, you have the option to add or edit Schema

For a blog post, the image below is where you’ll find the settings, if you’re using Gutenberg:

How to add Structured Data in WordPress image 2
Rank Math settings

Once you have this open, you’ll see the schema options under the third tab:

How to add Structured Data in WordPress image 3
Schema options in Rank Math

Open this by clicking the blue button, and go for your life.

For example, if you have posted a Recipe, there’s recipe schema here.

Premium Options – Multiple Schemas

Aha, here’s the catch!

Well, not really a catch, but let’s say you’ve got a product and a recipe mentioned in your blog post. Should you add schema Structured Data for both? Why, yes, you should.

The Premium Version of Rank Math allows you to do exactly this.

Testing Your Structured Data

Wondering what structured data you’re currently shipping? The tools below will help you:

Taking it Further – Hire a Developer

If you’re in an ultra-competitive marketplace, or maybe you simply want to get major league granular on your schema game… you likely will need a developer to help you out at some point, in order to use Rank Math (or Yoast’s) hooks to connect up some obscure thing or type which is only really relevant to your particular brand of blue widgets…

Well, for those times, that’s my day job. Organising developers to do this type of thing 🙂

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